"He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed."(1 Peter 2:24)
In Jesus' time, there were no vaccines as we know them today. That technology is relatively recent. Vaccines work by stimulating our immune system, encouraging our antibodies to fight viruses and bacteria.
Often, we don’t notice the changes that take place in our body. In some cases, especially during childhood, injections leave small marks or signs. After some time, when we look in the mirror, we see the proof that we’ve been vaccinated and are protected.
Jesus works in the same way. When we accept Jesus, we are marked by His blood and receive the spiritual remedy. His power immunizes us against eternal death and empowers us to fight sin. This vaccine has a powerful effect on our lives; it transforms us completely. It’s an experience that marks us forever!
Through Jesus' sacrifice, we receive healing and eternal life. All of this is by grace and love. In fact, the main antidote in the vaccine is God’s love.
Get vaccinated, stay spiritually healthy by reading and applying God’s Word.
Jesus is the Vaccine that Gives Eternal LifeIf Jesus is the vaccine, the Bible is the instructions. In it, we find the guidelines to stay healthy, day by day.If Jesus is the vaccine, the Holy Spirit is like the active antibodies. He works in our soul and purifies us. Seek the Holy Spirit.If you’ve already received this vaccine, share it with those who need it: talk about Jesus!If you’re feeling weak, talk to the Great Physician. Jesus always has time in His schedule to listen to your prayer.
To pray:Jesus, You are the vaccine that saved me. I am so grateful that You immunized me against sin and the traps of this world. I want to continue experiencing Your power and proclaim Your salvation. Amen.