For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
(Psalm 30:5)
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
(Matthew 5:4)
When we sit and look at photos of friends and family on social media, we sometimes forget that between those moments of joy, there were surely difficult phases in their lives. Yes, and it’s the same with us. From time to time, we face dark, cold nights that come suddenly and make us cry. In those sad moments of life, we can always find the best comfort in the Lord, our God.
Today's verses speak about those times of weeping, lament, and brokenness that we go through at certain points in life. They are times of anguish, loneliness, pain, despair, loss... in short, various afflictions that attack us and remind us how vulnerable we are and how much we depend on God. But hold on to hope—comfort will come!
Maybe you're going through one of those "nights of weeping" in your life right now... Remember that the Lord is a present God. He does not abandon you. There is light and comfort in Him. The Holy Spirit intercedes on your behalf and brings encouragement to your heart.
Going Through the Night
Pray to God, pour out your heart, and hand over the difficult situations you're facing.
Even if you can't find the words, shed your tears and your heart before God, for He can help you.
Seek daily refuge and feed on the Word of God.
Ask for prayer. Call on intercessors to join with you during this tough time.
Talk and share your struggles with someone more mature in the faith. God also uses people to comfort and support us.
Hold on to hope and gratitude, for Jesus promised that those who mourn will be comforted.
For Prayer:
Lord, I can't find the words or the strength to express myself. Help me to pray! You know that my distress is great, and You know the troubles I am facing. Father, everything feels dark and without a way out! Give me the strength I need to continue. I place this humble prayer at Your feet along with my tears. Help me, for I only trust in You, Lord. Stay with me now and always. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.